Are you misunderstood in your relationship, or lonely in your marriage? Are there too many arguments? or, too much silence? Do you not get recognition/acknowledgement for the efforts you make? Might you sometimes think you infuse negative parents from your past into your current relationship?
When we experience intense relentless feelings of hurt, anger, or resentment, we are physiologically affected. Stress response kicks in and exacerbates anxiety, affecting our heart rate, our breathing. We can’t sleep. We ruminate. We gear up for battle — and can’t imagine how to find relief.
But, relief is possible.
To get relief from these impinging toxic feelings, they must be “off-loaded.” And healthy off-loading occurs when we talk honestly, expel, express, and no longer “hold everything together,” no longer “contain it all.”
This requires a reliable frame/relationship with a trained and trusted clinician who understands you, your situation and can and can meet you where you are.
In each session, as needed, you will get practical help with how to establish boundaries, how to communicate, and how to position yourself to your advantage.
When you feel seen, heard, and understood — you will feel better in your Self and be able to make heathy choices — in every interaction.
I offer a free short consult.
Call/text Anna: 303.547.8493